School Board » Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Statement of Policy
The Constitution of the State of New Hampshire requires the General Court to promote knowledge and
learning by a system of schools, wherein all children of the state may receive a good common school
education. The General Court has implemented this constitutional mandate by the creation of school
districts of various types. Thus, the legal basis for education is vested in the will of the people as
expressed in the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, the statues pertaining to education, court
interpretation of these laws, the powers implied in them, and rules and regulations of the State Board of Education.
The Littleton School District was established in 1867, as a political subdivision of the State and, as such, is considered a municipal corporation. The school district constitutes a body corporate that possesses all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes and in name may sue and be sued, purchase, hold and sell personal property and real estate, and enter into such obligations as are authorized by law.
State law provides that public schools will be operated and maintained by a duly elected local school
board. As agents of state government, the Littleton School Board is required to carry out state laws
pertaining to public education and to carry out the policies and regulations of the State Board of
Board policies are established by the Littleton School Board, which serves as agent of the District. Funds for school operation expenses are approved by a majority of voters qualified to vote in the Town of Littleton, under RSA 32:1, RSA 32:3, RSA 32.5, RSA 32.8, RSA 32.9 and RSA 32.10, except that bond
issues require a two-thirds vote (except in those School Districts that have adopted RSA 40:13. In these
school districts, a 60% vote is required).